MarketCycle Wealth REPORT is designed to quickly and easily clarify long-term investment account decisions.
- MarketCycle is in the business of identifying primary trends within the traditional market cycle. It is also in the business of identifying short-term high-risk periods that occur during long-term trending periods.
- We have also developed methods that allow us to identify trends in important economic data and Central Bank activity AND we (daily) utilize relative strength analysis, inter-market analysis, business cycle analysis, yield-spread analysis, global-macro analysis… and we (weekly) calculate the chances of a U.S. and/or global recession 3 months out. Most importantly, we start each day by asking: “Are we correct in our assessment?”
Frequently Asked Questions
Who started MarketCycle™ Wealth REPORT?
MarketCycle was created by Dr. Stephen Aust. During the 1980s he developed a very popular Relative Strength Analysis system that is still used by investors around the globe. He then spent two decades studying, developing and testing long-term trading systems and this research eventually evolved into our innovative, diversified, proprietary investing systems and indicators. He eventually created MarketCycle Wealth REPORT with the main goal of assisting other investors, Investment Advisors, global hedge funds and institutions. MarketCycle’s holistic system has been specifically designed to work even when another trend following systems fail, giving faster, earlier signals with very few false starts. We “walk our talk” by investing nearly 100% of our own private money exactly as indicated by MarketCycle’s system.
Why doesn’t MarketCycle post performance data?
We are providing signals, not portfolios.
What is the cost of MarketCycle Wealth REPORT?
The first month is free; the yearly price is currently set at $495. MarketCycle Wealth REPORT is extremely affordable considering what we offer. PLEASE NOTE: Membership numbers are restricted. In periods where MarketCycle is closed to new members, a waiting list will be applied until a new membership becomes available. When joining, you will be instantly notified if this is in effect. European & UK members are eligible for exact portfolio positions with periodic timed hedging of their account during measurable high risk periods for a low price of $1995. It may be of interest to know that each year, MarketCycle gives 10% of its net income to charity.
Can I set up my membership so that I can include others in my home office?
Yes, extra (multiple) IP addresses can be purchased at the current total yearly price of $995. All members in this “group” membership must be in the same office (with the same physical location/address). Groups of retail individuals cannot buy one membership and divide the price.
What happens if I share my password or if I share the updated reports?
We’ve gone to a lot of trouble to be able to detect this, we do know who is opening our links and entering our webpages, and we don’t want members that get involved in this type of unfair activity (our Privacy Policy guarantees that your private information is never used by anyone). The result of sharing is that we halt & permanently block your membership since, at that point, our Terms of Service contract has been breached. As you already know, honesty is always the best policy. However, as stated above, you can purchase additional IP access for others in your home office for a reasonable fee.
How easy is it to cancel my membership?
You just go to your PayPal account and cancel the yearly membership before the due date and there will be no charge; if done after the free month long trial period, then there will be no refunds for the current year but it will not be renewed for the following year. Forgetting to cancel before the 30 day free trial period is not a reason to request a refund. Cancelling is very simple.
If I am not a professional Registered Investment Advisor or a hedge fund can I still become a member?
Yes, but trading is NOT easy and it can be emotionally taxing, so please note that our advisory service handles individual investment accounts (and at a reasonable price) via:
Do you give any rebates for referrals?
No, because our price is already so cheap… but we certainly welcome referrals!
How often is MarketCycle Wealth REPORT updated?
Important changes happen infrequently, but they do change randomly, so we update every week on Sunday. Email alerts are not sent out (because of over-active spam filters) and you should get in the habit of automatically logging in at least once each week. I repeat, important Report changes may be infrequent because important market changes occur infrequently. We always take a long-term view because, frankly, that is where the profits are (from my perspective, I see short-term traders just killing each other off). As an example, our system held a gold position from 2001 to 2012, reaping gigantic profits with no effort other than just sitting patiently and we then sold our position at exactly the right moment. We bought low, followed the trend up, then sold high. The importance of real-time updates is that, when the markets are spooking traders and the “dumb money” is in panic mode, members can remain calm because they already know what to do in advance based on the long-term trend of price and data rather than on short-term emotion and fear.
How important is Global Macro?
Only some of this information is important; most of it is just noise, but this type of information is automatically incorporated into our trading signals.
What are the best investing techniques?
This is simple. As in poker, one should always hold the strongest hand. We exploit market conditions with a unique proprietary form of trend following along with business cycle analysis, Federal Reserve analysis, inter-market analysis, global-macro analysis and relative strength analysis. We have a method for calculating the chances for U.S. and global recessions two months ahead of the Fed. We do not fight the Fed and we never swim against the flow of the Primary Trend. Most importantly, MarketCycle begins each day by asking: “Are we correct in our assessment?”
What is a market cycle?
Vastly simplified, because we’ve written extensively about this for years in our blog, markets move through repeating cycles that usually last around 5 years. They go from deflated levels to booming levels and then back to deflated levels. When economic conditions are bad and investors are panicking, the markets look ahead to better times and start their ascent. When economic conditions are fantastic and investors are euphoric, the markets look ahead to worse times and begin their descent. It is like breathing in and then breathing out… it is a complete cycle. This has been going on since the start of the Industrial Age, but during every market cycle, investors forget and they buy high when the news is best and they finally feel safe and they then sell low when the news is at its worst and they feel fearful, losing their hard earned money over and over and over again. The idea is to do the opposite and this is what trend following forces investors to do.
When building a portfolio, please remember the following advice:
3000 year old advice: “Divide your portion to seven or even eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on earth.”
Warren Buffet: “Too wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.”
Ray Dalio: “You have to be defensive and aggressive at the same time.
If you are not aggressive, you are not going to make money, and if you are not defensive, you are not going to keep the money.”
How to Join
HOW do I take advantage of MarketCycle Wealth REPORT’s offer?
- Read the Terms of Service Agreement and all required documents as indicated in the Agreement and check (on the membership app/form) that you understand and agree to the terms. As a qualified investor, your membership allows you to take advantage of a one month FREE TRIAL PERIOD and you can always cancel (via PayPal) at any time. This gives you a chance to view our REPORT for a full month (please note that trend changes are infrequent… one doesn’t want to be jumping in and out of the market).
- Members are limited to one person on one computer and our pages are encrypted with computer IP tracking and copyright infringement technologies, but it is easy (and affordable) to purchase extra IP addresses for multiple advisors within the same office and with similar IP addresses.
- PLEASE NOTE: Total membership numbers are restricted. In periods where MarketCycle is closed to new members, a waiting list will be applied until a new membership becomes available. When joining, you will be instantly notified if this is in effect.